How to Find the Right Cigar Shop in Dubai, UAE?
Dubai is known around the world as a luxury destination, and that includes the best cigars and cigar shops. With so many stores to choose from, finding a top cigar shop in Dubai, UAE that meets your standards can be a challenge.
Here are 5 tips to help you locate the ideal retailer for your cigar-smoking needs.
5 Tips for Finding a Top Cigar Shop in Dubai
1. Ask Local Cigar Aficionados for Recommendations
The first place to start your search is by asking Dubai cigar aficionados for store referrals. Connect online in forums or social media groups for cigar enthusiasts in the area.
Describe what you’re looking for—a wide humidor selection, a smoking lounge, specialty rare items, whatever matters most to you—and see which cigar shops they suggest.
Their first-hand experiences can quickly narrow down their options.
2. Research Online Reviews and Ratings
In addition to personal recommendations, spend time researching online reviews and ratings for Dubai cigar stores.
Pay attention to factors like customer service, cigar variety, availability, prices, and value.
Make a list of shops that receive positive feedback as potential candidates to visit. This will give you honest insights you won’t find on a store’s website.
3. Check the Store’s Certifications
To sell authentic, high-quality cigars, Dubai cigar retailers need proper training and certifications. Before visiting a shop, check if they have an official Certified Retail Tobacconist (CRT) certificate from the Tobacconist University graduate program.
This expertise ensures ideal care for delicate cigars, enhancing flavors and your enjoyment.
4. Ask About Storage and Humidity
Be sure to ask how cigars are stored in the humidor and if humidity levels are carefully regulated. Temperatures between 68-72°F and 70% humidity prevent dryness that ruins cigars.
Reputable top cigar shops in Dubai will monitor conditions daily and have backup systems to maintain perfect conditions if the power goes out.
Mold and damage from improper conditions can make expensive cigars un-smokeable. Also read our new article on where to buy cigars online in Dubai, UAE.
5. Compare Prices
Don’t assume one retailer has the best prices across the board. Do your homework and compare prices online for the top brands and specialty cigars you enjoy.
Include factors like taxes and look for shops offering promotions or loyalty programs that can add up to significant savings over time for frequent purchasers. Consider your total outlay for the desired cigars.
Finding an exceptional cigar retailer requires putting in the work upfront through research and comparisons. With so many stores carrying top brands, differentiators like customer service, value and proper storage conditions help narrow your options to find your ideal source for cigars.
The right tobacconist becomes a trusted partner, enhancing your cigar hobby. Online cigar shops in Dubai can also offer convenience for busy smokers. Follow these tips to find a top cigar shop in Dubai to increase your smoking experience.